Given that high diarrheal morbidity is likely to persist for some time in many parts of the developing world, this study suggests that specifically addressing the problem of anorexia is worthwhile. Current WHO guidelines for feeding children during diarrheal illness recommend continued feeding in small amounts as well as additional feeding after the episode has concluded to allow for catch up growth.
From the finding of this research, it was structured out that diarrhea is a severe water borne infectious disease caused by viruses, bacteria parasite, and also, diarrhea is accompanied with a severe dehydration and loss of electrolyte. In absence of appropriate treatment of this disease, there is a high mortality rate. It was also observed that diarrhea is responsible for an estimated average of 1119 children infected with diarrhea which are admitted in the hospital annually. In other to set free from this deadly disease it was observed that the government should swing into action by providing various measures in other to prevent diarrhea infection among children in Benin City and Nigeria at large.